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16 avril 2018, illumination du cimetière de Craonnelle
[16 avril] Illumination de la nécropole militaire de Craonnelle, le 16 avril 2018

Liste des combattants

Proposer un combattant
Nom Prénom Régiment Date de naissance Date du décès
CUNNINGHAM Thomas The Cameron Highlanders 14/09/1914
DALY J. 1st Battalion QUEEN'S (Royal West Surrey Regiment) 03/10/1914
DAVEY H. Corps of Royal Engineers 14/09/1914
DAVIES Harold Casamajor 2nd Battalion Welsh Regiment 26/09/1914
DAVIS F. The Worcestershire Regiment 15/09/1914
DAVISON Stuart The King's Royal Rifle Corps 14/09/1914
DAY Cyril Edmund 4th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment 27/05/1918
DEGNAN Joseph 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards 25/09/1914
DELANEY P. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) 15/09/1914
DENNIS J. 1st Battalion QUEEN'S (Royal West Surrey Regiment) 26/09/1914

Mémorial virtuel