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16 avril 2018, illumination du cimetière de Craonnelle
[16 avril] Illumination de la nécropole militaire de Craonnelle, le 16 avril 2018

Liste des combattants

Proposer un combattant
Nom Prénom Régiment Date de naissance Date du décès
KYRKE - SMITH Arthur Kyrke 1st Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment 23/09/1914
LODDER A. The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment) 21/09/1914
LORING G. F. 1st Battalion QUEEN'S (Royal West Surrey Regiment) 27/09/1914
LOWIE W. G. The Highland Light Infantry 14/10/1914
MATTHEWS Charles Edward The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 26/09/1914
MATTHEWS W. H. The Durham Light Infantry 24/09/1914
MAXWELL Peter Benson The East Yorkshire Regiment 20/09/1914
McCORMACK J. The Royal Irish Rifles 20/09/1914
McGRANE G. The Royal Irish Rifles 22/09/1914
MITCHELL J. A. S. The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) 28/09/1914

Mémorial virtuel