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Henry Charles PILLEAU

Major - Armée britannique
Date du décès :
Commune du décès : Neuilly
Circonstances du décès : Was mortally wounded in the Battle of the Aisne (near Paissy). He died on the 09/21/1914, in the American Ambulance of Neuilly (Seine).
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Prénom(s) : Henry Charles
Date de naissance :
Commune de naissance : Bermude
Pays de naissance : British colony
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Nom du père : PILLEAU
Prénom du père : H. G.
Autre(s) information(s) familiale(s) ou généalogique(s) : Only child of Colonel H G Pilleau, and a great-nephew of General Thomas Addison,Colonel Commanding the Queen's Regiment. <br> In July 1904, he had married Edith Maud, daughter of Lieutenant Colonel W E Mockler, 4th Battalion West India Regiment.

Service militaire

Grade : Major
Lieu de recrutement (département) : Inconnu
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Décoration(s) : Inconnue
Citation(s) : Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 27 September 1901]: Henry Charles Pilleau, Captain, Royal West Surrey Regiment. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa
Autre(s) information(s) militaire(s) : He was educated at Wellington College, and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, where he was Senior Under-Officer, and passed out with honours, taking the prize for military topography. He was gazetted to the Royal West Surrey Regiment in February 1887; became Lieutenant in July 1889, and Captain in March 1896. He served in the South African War, 1899-1902, and was present at the Relief of Ladysmith, and actions of Colenso, Spion Kop, Vaal Kranz and Pieter's Hill; operations on Tugela Heights, also in Natal, including Laing's Nek. He was twice mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 8 February and 10 September 1901]; received the Queen's Medal with five clasps; King's Medal with two clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 27 September 1901]: "Henry Charles Pilleau, Captain, Royal West Surrey Regiment. In recognition of services during the operations in South Africa". He was invested by the King 24 October 1902. Major Pilleau served in the European War; was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel on the 18th of September 1914, and was mortally wounded in the Battle of the Aisne. Notwithstanding his dying condition, Lieutenant Colonel Pilleau continued for four hours to direct his men. It was not known till dark, when retiring, that he had been wounded. He died a week afterwards, on the 21st of September 1914, in the American Ambulance of Neuilly.


Lieu d'inhumation (département ou province) : Inconnu
Lieu d'inhumation (pays) : Unknown
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Type de sépulture : Unknown


Date du décès :
Circonstances du décès : Was mortally wounded in the Battle of the Aisne (near Paissy). He died on the 09/21/1914, in the American Ambulance of Neuilly (Seine).
Cause officielle de la mort : Died of wounds
Lieu du décès (Commune) : Neuilly
Lieu du décès (Département) : Seine
  • CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL DE L'AISNE le 08/07/2008

Un jour, un combattant

Mort le
Louis Emile JULLIARD
Soldat - Armée française
116ème Régiment d'Infanterie

Mémorial virtuel